Short Range UT (SRUT/CHIME)
The Short Range Guided Wave Ultrasonic Technique (Short Range UT) was designed to test the annular plate of above ground storage tanks (AST’s) while the tank remains in service. The technique is based on the concept of pulsing guided laminar waves into the base material from the chime area. The waves propagate up to three feet into the annular plate. When corrosion, pitting, erosion are present the ultrasonic waves mode convert and are received by the same transducer. The technique is also being used to test for corrosion under pipe supports, corrosion at soil air interfaces, and similar difficult to access locations.
- Tank Floor Annular Plate Testing
- Testing Concrete Coated Interfaces
- Testing Under Pipe Supports
- Tank Dyke Piping Interfaces
- Scan Under Vessel Supports

Limitations of Short Range UT
- Top or Bottom Side Differentiation
- Must Have 2” Space for Probe Placement
Short Range Guided Wave Testing (Short Range UT) has become a proven and reliable technique as one method for determining the integrity of tank annular plates where the highest probability of corrosion exists to help prioritize out of service tank maintenance requirements.

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